Shelter can be had in many forms without it costing much
This Blog was made to explain to the beginner how outdoor skills can be acquired by anybody willing to spend a bit of time exploring ideas as well as the wilderness.
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Tents are considered the standard for wilderness shelter, these tents are lite, inexpensive enough for the common backwoods traveler and comfy.

Tarps are lite, cheap and versatile shelter, used on the ground or in conjunction with a hammock they are hard to beat for convenience.

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The SPACE blanket is shelter you carry in your pocket. No wilderness traveler should enter the forest without at least one of these small wonders available.

LEAF TO type lean to to construct and better then the open air.

Shelter can be carried or made without much effort and with practice, can be put up quickly. In some cases shelter can be no more then what you are waring. keep that in mind next time you head out into the wilderness.

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