I was having my usual survival rifle conversation with some
of the guys the other afternoon.
The consensus was that as a dedicated survival arm the 22
Rim Fire still holds the title of best all around.

This page is not to dispute that claim in fact I agree. Moreover I believe internationally those countries that enjoy the freedom to own and use firearms will agree that in this capacity the 22 Rim Fire is top of the list. The ammunition is readily available, inexpensive, easy to carry and store and offers no recoil.
of the guys the other afternoon.
The consensus was that as a dedicated survival arm the 22
Rim Fire still holds the title of best all around.

This page is not to dispute that claim in fact I agree. Moreover I believe internationally those countries that enjoy the freedom to own and use firearms will agree that in this capacity the 22 Rim Fire is top of the list. The ammunition is readily available, inexpensive, easy to carry and store and offers no recoil.
Of all the 22 Rim Fire rifles that can and are used for this
purpose and there are many fine firearms that fit well into this category, the
Ruger 10-22 rifle is probably number one (or at least in the top three).
What makes this so is the cause of much conversation and argument.
purpose and there are many fine firearms that fit well into this category, the
Ruger 10-22 rifle is probably number one (or at least in the top three).
What makes this so is the cause of much conversation and argument.
It seems the lists of pros and cons about this rifle abound. I have used many types of Rim Fire rifles as a survival arm. Most notably the Armalite AR-7 and the
Winchester 94-22. The AR-7 deserves a page all of its own and in future I will
post one that will raise your eye brow. My love affair with the 94-22 is ongoing and I can say this fine rifle has fed me more times than Burger King has.
Winchester 94-22. The AR-7 deserves a page all of its own and in future I will
post one that will raise your eye brow. My love affair with the 94-22 is ongoing and I can say this fine rifle has fed me more times than Burger King has.

The Ruger 10-22 has a very interesting history…go look it up, I’m not going there today. This is a survival Blog and far too many Internet sites can blow the 10-22 trumpets if you really need to know. Today we discuss the rifle as a survival arm. My first 10-22 was in my hands as a teen. Being who and what I am the first thing I did was personalize it to my needs (for that time) I changed the stock giving up the ugly utilitarian wood for a skeletonized black synthetic pistol grip. I Mounted a Weaver V-22 variable on the little black rifle and never looked back. It was tough and as accurate as I expected a 22 rifle to be back then (and I expected great things). I have owned a few 10-22 rifles in my time, four I think over the years. Two were standard models and two were upgrades, all were reliable rifles. That’s the key word here RELIABLE. I have heard some say the 10-22 suffers from accuracy issues while other sing songs of praise. Like anything else that is mass produced there are bound to be a few Monday morning rifles out there but all mine have been Wednesday after lunch pieces. I and a few million others have few negative things to say about the Little Ruger. The 10-22 feels good in the hand, not heavy as much as respectfully well made, it has chops. The rifle is dynamic and balances well in most hands. Made of good milled armorers steel and investment castings that
make it feel tight and solid. It can be brought to bare quickly and without shifting and goose necking. Be careful that any aftermarket stock you use does not sacrifice these important characteristics.
make it feel tight and solid. It can be brought to bare quickly and without shifting and goose necking. Be careful that any aftermarket stock you use does not sacrifice these important characteristics.
The rifle can be configured in so many ways; it really is a chameleon. I think this is one of the rifle’s strongest assets. After market goodies fill the catalogs. When you buy a Ruger 10-22 you really buy the foundation for whatever you need a reliable 22 Rim Fire rifle to be. Stop with the factory basic or dream big, it’s up to you. Although the standard model offers all you need for hunting-target practice or just plinking fun, I suggest you find what aftermarket features are available that might improve your ergonomic relationship to this platform and make it truly your own. Be it Target or Race Gun applications, Survival situations, Varmint hunting or Zombie defense.
Women and children love this rifle. It is very user friendly and experts are made in a single days training. Telescopic or electronic dot sites mount low to an aluminum receiver and will improve your chances of placing the round in the bull’s eye but the provided iron sites are good and have their place. Note heavy barrel models have clean (No iron sights) barrels. The 10-22 is easy to service and maintain
making it field friendly with very few tools, Allen wrenches and standard screw
drivers do it all. This is important to the survivor. The rifle works well when
fouled but as most firearms it should be kept as clean as possible. Bumps and
falls have never seemed to bother the rifle as much as it has me and all of my
10-22 rifles have had their “Character” marks.
The chamber of the 10-22 rifle is friendly to most types and makes of
ammunition feeding and cycling anything it’s fed. Some of the “target” models have match chambering and although I have never found any make of ammunition my rifle won’t eat, there are some that claim the tight tolerances have proved
problematic. As a dedicated survival firearm this might be a legitimate
concern. I will report any failures I encounter in future….don’t hold your breath.
My heavy barrel target model sports the latest incarnation
of what I predict will become “The Classic 22 Scope” of the century, the Adventure Class Center Point variable power telescopic site. These low cost scopes are worth more than a passing glance. The Mil-Dot for the common man and although produced overseas (China) are a great deal. More on that later in another page. I keep a fifty yard zero on the CP and this combo with one particular brand of
ammunition (Winchester Xpert HV) will hold just over an inch from a sand bag
and when I’m doing my part. A game getter to be sure. At one hundred yards the group is predictable and as deadly as I will ever need. Large Zombie sized targets need to worry about this Ruger even at two hundred yards if you know what I mean. Survival rifles have to aid in all types of survival at times.
Here an Israeli Special Forces unit uses a suppressed
version of the Ruger as a tool against violent protesters. Shots to the knee cap incapacitate the most violent in the crowd without fear of over
penetration or ricochet.
version of the Ruger as a tool against violent protesters. Shots to the knee cap incapacitate the most violent in the crowd without fear of over
penetration or ricochet.
The 10-22 magazine is what puts the TEN in the 10-22, a TEN round rotary magazine that (in my opinion) was based on some of the European hunting rifles. I know of many who replace it with a thirty round (stick) magazine but I find the rotary box to be nothing short of genius. I like the way it locks up and is removed. All actions to make that happen must be deliberate and not likely to dump a mag accidentally. They also help with prone and offhand shooting which is important to me. A true classic 22 caliber workhorse, the Ruger 10-22 is a great choice for the survival rifle.