It's the little things
That go wrong at all the wrong times and always to the wrong people. At least that's what I've always heard. Problem is, that person is generally me.
I will rip the seat of my pants, tear off a button or ware a hole in my sock on almost every trip out. I could, and if time allows I do ignore the slight inconveniences but every now and then I need to fix something.
That's why I add two more ounces of junk to my regular kit. Like a sewing kit for clothes. These lite and tiny kits are easy to pack, carry and use.
Small kits like these are inexpensive and even FREE as hand outs from Banks, Stores, as promotional items (with name embossed)
Who cares what name is on it, it's handy.
If you are a four eyes like me, Eyeglass repair kits are a must to the wilderness traveler. Of course I always advise trekkers to carry a spare pair of specks (I throw in a pair of my last prescription, not as good as my up to date glasses but better then blind)
The eyeglass kit can be picked up anyplace (check your Mart store) ask your optometrist OR just like the sewing kits, keep your eyes open for promotional hand outs. You can't really "practise" with these kits but they are fairly self explanatory. TIP: make any screw replacement tasks on your knees with your hat on the ground in between your kneecaps, do the work INSIDE your hat. This way should you drop a tiny screw (and you probably will) you can find it in your hat.

The old reliable tools are still here, Pins and over sized rubber bands, Super Glue and Vinyl seal liquid. These are great for pack and tent repairs.

Most tent manufactures will provide a repair kit with the shelter. Fabric, Seam and Pole repair items are usually included.
For tough outer ware items like Gators and Rain Shells/Pants, I like to use a fabric "Tape" from 3M, it is very flexible and strong. I can remove it and make a proper repair or replace the item once I get back to the homestead, for now it does a super job.
When I hunt primitive (with Flintlock) I will usually carry a repair kit in my possibles bag just in case I pop a stitch. My Buddy Buffalo Bill S, is handy with fur and hide and is always fixin something up for me. He gifted me a really neat sewing wallet made from Elk skin (I think) it's needle proof. He packed it with some over sized needles and raw cordage. The tip of a buck antler completes the look and serves as a thong wrap to secure the wallet. Very cool Bill, Thanks

As a note of interest, I have these "Hand Needles" packed in vacuum glass tubes. I carry two or three just in case I lose the thread pullers in my standard kit. I think their neat.

Safe Travels