Unless we are camping and in a "take" area we never keep fish. Although I believe there is nothing wrong with keeping two for the pan when the situation allows it. Trout for breakfast can be the highlight of your day when camping.
The time spent pursuing fish with Sam are some of my favorite fishing moments.

The first time Sam ever picked up a fly rod, he seemed to kind of get it. It took me a bit more time to become proficient but I guess he had a better teacher..............me.

He fits those boots allot better now.
The Hat lives on!

The Mongaup River is one of our "home waters", there is great fishing to be found in the local area but timing is defiantly everything. The beloved Neversink River is also within walking distance and will produce nice fish year round. Our trips afield with the Fly Rods are purely for the Zen of it. The casting is hypnotic and finding ones rhythm and timing can be as enjoyable as actually catching fish.
A swollen river makes the fishing tougher.
I get lost in the casting, the placement of the material on the water, its drift and the intense concentration that comes with this kind of single minded focus..........oh yeah, that's Fly Fishing.
I love the way a Brown Trout takes a Fly off the surface, some times their like fish Ninjas.
How Pretty is this? We never kill fish, the area allows you to take a few but we are too greedy.
We want to come back and catch em again!
We like to use a five weight rod for most of our fishing. Of course like most BUG TOSSERS, I own too many rods (if you can actually do that) a 3/4-three 5's a 6 a 7 and an 8/9. All with different casting characteristics. So I have a good bag of clubs to pick from depending on species, method and conditions. That's not uncommon. Sam has two rods, a soft 5 for delicate presentations and a long fast 5 for reaching out a bit or bucking the wind. I think he has the right idea, Keep it Simple Stupid!
Even a small Rainbow like this can be a challenge on light line. This one put up a heck of a fight. The marks on his sides are from him rolling on the line. No worries, he survived just fine.

I also like to watch for Otters....
I am haunted by Otters.