I had heard of one particular area not very far from my home that Internet Fly Fishers were whispering about. The Neversink Gorge Unique Area is a six mile stretch (5000 acre) of my home water that snakes through what was until recently, not only wild and lonesome country but Private Property. New York State's acquisition of lands accessing this unspoiled region was only arranged and finalized within the last ten years so the area is by my standards at least, relatively untouched.
The topography of the area is what one would reasonably expect when you think of a "gorge", steep-rocky and unfriendly to the ankles not to mention parking access is two plus miles from this coveted river frontage.

The topography of the area is what one would reasonably expect when you think of a "gorge", steep-rocky and unfriendly to the ankles not to mention parking access is two plus miles from this coveted river frontage.

Rumours abound of pocket water and deep pools where big Browns just wait for your nymph to bump by. Some have reported on Eastern Fly Fishing sites that a healthy population of Brook Trout inhabit these waters as well as some of the tributaries that feed it. With mild weather forecast for the next few days and an incurable curiosity, I did what I always do..........I took a walk.
Russell was as usual, accommodating when I asked if he'd like to "take a walk". The idea of marching on new ground is always enticing. With just a few items for safety and little else we set out for the gorge.
The trail in started as a delightful walk of various widths and winds.
All leading down.......
and down some more.........
The lands here are apparently full of Woodpeckers and Coyote and Bears........Oh my.
The lands here are apparently full of Woodpeckers and Coyote and Bears........Oh my.
Sign and scat abound.
We had a good idea where the river ways, we just had different good ideas.
The Neversink Gorge turned out to be a trip I'd look forward to doing again and again, if not for Trout then for the beauty of the area. Wild and little touched by outsiders, this "unique" area holds promise for adventure and inspiration.