The soft glow that a candle puts out is at times preferred to the harsh white/blue light of an LED. Even intentionally low powered tactical LEDs (and I advise everyone to own at least one, like the Gerber Recon or Task lights) can't compare to the friendly omnidirectional light of a candle.
Candles are cheaper then batteries and can be found just about everywhere camping equipment is sold. You will need the special extended life candles not a dinner candle. These last between seven and nine hours depending on type.
Now I have heard many things about BEEs WAX candles and some folk just love em. They claim the bee's wax burns slower and more efficiently, while others advise to stay far away from them and prefer the white Specially formulated type. These white candles are easier to find anyway so they are the ones I use.......I mind my own bees wax.
What I like about the candle is the warmth output as well as the soft light. It can really warm up a small bivy shelter and is safe as long as you never let it touch the sides, these suckers get HOT and will burn nylon in an instant.
At one time the conversion was hard to find. Mine was produced by "Northern Lights", I can no longer find it on the NL web site but "Campmor" has one that is identical for about $15.00.
I see many accounts of campers/climbers complaining about these oil units leaking. mine has never leaked. Wait for the unit to FULLY cool before you screw the cover back on over the wick and you should never have a problem.
I have applied some foil tape (real duct tape) to one of the lamps three sided windows. This serves as a reflector that allows me to direct light like a flash light. It also provides a dark side should I need to use the light while others are sleeping or if I want to direct the insects to the other side of camp. It was a great idea that works like a charm.
The Lantern has an inspection window so you might better judge how much life (wax) is left in the lantern. It is fed via a soft spring that brings the candle up as it is consumed, the flame never drops below the lantern's window so light is consistent.
The oil insert has no way to confirm fuel without opening it and having a look see. A full lamp will burn about six hours, but check it after five so you don't burn wick.
TIP: Burn oil NOT wick.
The wick on the oil lamp is generous and I have never needed to replace it.
So as a source of light as well as heat the candle lantern is pretty good. Lite and tough (if not abused) and easy to use. The lantern came in a rough out leather bag with draw string closure....junk. I have it in a nylon belt pouch made by "BLACK HAWK",
Great survival gear.
Safe Travels